The PDML Quotation List:
Quotations by Members of the Pentax-Discuss Mailing List, 2018
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If I'm going to pine for something I can't have, it might as well be the half-a-stop faster Pentax lens.
—John Sessoms
You can never have a too-fast lens. Or enough lenses. Or enough insightful/amusing/alarming quotations on the subject of photography. This last item is where we of the PDML come to help and this, the annual quotations collection, is where we offer it.
Oddly, we don't have any quotations in the form of haiku (either deliberate or accidental) this year. I was hoping for a limerick or two as well but came away disappointed in that department, too. Perhaps a movie star geting charged with sexual assault in Nantucket promises something in that vein for 2019? Nah. I'm holding out for a Shakespearean sonnet.
Enjoy the 2018 list!
—I think I need a slightly more exciting life.
—P.J. Alling
I may have my challenges, but as far as I know I'm still smarter than a three dollar CPU.
—Larry Colen
Nothing really looks the way we remember Kodachrome looking.
—John Sessoms
I'm fully prepared to compromise just as soon as we've finished hanging the ring-leaders.
—Bob Walkden
Adobe is not alone in screwing its customers over.
—Jostein Øksne
Paul Stenquist: Watching Dunkirk the other night, every explosion made the floor move. Good fun.
Bill Robb: Great sex does that too.
Pentax gear excels at sucking the light out of night.
—Rob Studdert
Forums Neurotica has long thought that they were more important than they are.
—Bill Robb
In some long distant post-apocalyptic future when the last descendants of the Great Trump-Kim Dynasty have finally destroyed civilisation, and all that remains is the arm of Liberty sticking out of the sand like the shattered visage of Ozymandias, some wise simian digital anthropologist will stumble upon our words and we will live forever, like the tricks and pimps and whores who scratched the walls of Pompeii's brothels.
—Bob Walkden
You couldn't ask for a better birding lens than the 300mm f4.5 FA — that along with a HD-DA 1.4 AF rear convertor gives you a a powerful birding lens
—Ken Waller
Other opinions may exist.
—Mike Wilson
Wide flare bell-bottom jeans are still contra-indicated.
—John Sessoms
You should never use Kennyboy's real name in a post. If it gets repeated three times he'll appear in a cloud of garishly colored smoke and use his CaNikon to steal your soul, and recolor all you images causing them to be absorbed into the Kincade zone, never to be seen by anyone with normally calibrated eyesight again.
—P.J. Alling
I've just tried to get better at sparing you the ones that after a couple years I'll look at and say 'I wish I hadn't taken that'.
—Larry Colen
I've had 12 X 19 inch prints made from file captured with the *istD and have been very pleased with them.
—Ken Waller
It's your eye that matters most, not the equipment-limiting technical aspects.
—Ann Sanfedele
I don't sell lenses often.
—Bill Robb
I realised that I didn't actually have pictures of most of our cats. Expect a gallery soon ...
—John Francis
Yet another reason to not use Facebook, aside from the fact that Zuckerberg is a miserable little prick.
—P.J. Alling
No matter where you go, politics is daft.
—Godfrey DiGiorgi
Well it's now my job to tell my wife that someone in the PDML group says she's wrong.
—Jack Davis
A nude in the foreground can improve a photo with almost any background.
—Larry Colen
Without images to prove it, we don't believe a thing you say!
—Dan Matyola
I threatened to have you beat them up if they were to say anything but praise for my pictures.
—Jack Davis
Computer trouble is what keeps old Murphy alive and kicking
—Jostein Øksne
Milk Wilson is convinced that imagination is not dead at the PDML.
—Brian Walters
That's a lot of Hippos!
—Dan Matyola
There's really only so much you can do with code before you're no longer recording a scene, and are actually generating it.
—P.J. Alling
Ultimately the tool you choose doesn't matter as much as your skill using those tools and how well you you are able to show others what you've 'seen' with your mind's eye. If you can communicate your vision, then it's the appropriate tool.
—John Sessoms
Get yourself a Zenit. Useful for seal clubbing when photography palls.
—Mike Wilson
Being a self-righteous dogmatic curmudgeon has its downsides.
—Bruce Walker
There is no option to tell the software it's wrong.
—P.J. Alling disbars me completely from viewing unless I turn off my adblocker. As a result, I never see content. I'm not sure whose loss is the greater but I'm fairly sure I can stand the pain.
—Mike Wilson
Any chance of a bit of camera porn?
These photos may be safe for work, I can't guarantee that they are safe for your sanity.
—Larry Colen
In my experience, when I remember to bring a tripod I don't end up using it. When I need a tripod, I forgot to bring it.
—Bruce Walker
What PDML needs is a shagflip camera.
—Jostein Øksne
On a point of grammar, the collective noun for cormorants is not 'flock' - we say 'a mess of cormorants', and 'a shag-bag'.
—Bob Walkden
Remember that the urge to sing 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' is just a whim away.
—Dan Matyola
When one gets to be my age, 'the future' of anything is irrelevant.
—Dan Matyola
I placed my passport on the scanner, looked into the camera, and a door opened on the machine, a large hand shot out and slapped my face.
Declaring your favorite scotch is all well and good, but the more important question is what is your view of cormorants?
—Christine Aguila
If I'm going to pine for something I can't have, it might as well be the half-a-stop faster Pentax lens.
—John Sessoms
Aliens examining our culture will get a very distorted impression of what our faces looked like based on modern smartphone selfies.
—Bruce Walker
I think 'French literature' is a euphemism for 'dirty French Post Cards'. For young American boys of a certain age, the lingerie section of the Sears Catalog had to suffice.
—John Sessoms
I read them when I was seven. In Sanskrit. During breaks in nuclear physics classes. That I was giving.
—Bob Walkden
Oh, I'd just pull out my accordion and get the monkey dancing... That should get the point across pretty quickly.
—Godfrey Digiorgi
I built a strange, impressionistic, travelogue where I wrote all the text using a mouse, so it was a combination of dodgy photos and what looked like the manic scrawls of a long-term resident of the psych ward.
—Doug Brewer
Stand by for pixelated dreck!
—Scott Loveless
Tomorrow I'll get organized!
—Alan Cole
My main comment is that it would be a lot easier if you posted a link to the picture.
—Rick Womer
I do not attribute any special virtue to cropping or lack of cropping. Because when you write a definitive book you don't care to impress the world that this was my first draft; there's no merit in that. It is what is the final result.
—Yosuf Karsh
Congratulations on sneaking this lens into the house.
—Joe Tainter
I'm so tired right now I can't even bring myself to hate you.
—P.J. Alling
Just checked my bucket list and 'sex with a macaque' is already quite close to the bottom.
—Bob Walkden
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If one is to die, why not do it in paradise with a glass of fresh guava juice and Eggs Benedict?
—Dan Matyola
I want to lie shipwrecked and comatose, drinking fresh mango juice, goldfish shoals nibbling at my toes - fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun.
—From the theme to Red Dwarf
Probably best to just ignore these things and make a nice cup of tea
—Bob Walkden
(Facebook) is a perfect example of software that grew up without adult supervision.
—Larry Colen
I was hoping to go a full year without saying anything noteworthy.
—Bill Robb
Blame it on autocorrect.
—John Sessoms
If I happen to buy this camera I'll keep it in the glove box of the Rolls Royce I pick up for shopping trips.
—Mike Wilson