How to reach me...
I try to answer inquiries as thoroughly as my time constraints permit. Obviously, it's a bit tougher during the school year when academic demands are most pressing (meaning I'm teaching classes and grading projects & exams!). Still, I'll try to reply as quickly as I can. My availability to teach workshops and seminars also revolves around the academic year: Summer months are best and the winter holiday break works well, but for the mid-Atlantic region my travel flexibility is pretty good, even mid-semester. If you're interested in having me give a presentation on outdoor photography, digital imaging techniques (Photoshop) or Web Design for Photographers, drop me a line and we'll certainly be able to work something out.
Mark Roberts
PO Box 302087
Jamaica Plain MA 02130
It's old-fashioned, inconvenient, slow and it costs money. But it's pretty much bullet-proof!
Email is usually the easiest way to contact me. Please keep in mind that I get a lot of email through this web site, so it may take a while for me to get back to you, especially during the academic year.
Email notes:
Do not send commercial or bulk emails to any address.
• Send plain text only — All HTML email will be deleted unread.
No file attachments over 50k, please.
• Many large Internet domains are partly or wholly blocked due to spam and/or virus problems. These include Roadrunner and Comcast broadband (for virus/security issues). We're "whitelisting" Roadrunner and Comcast's official mail servers as we identify their IP addresses but this takes time so please be patient.
The following countries have been permanently blocked at the firewall
because of spam and long-running malicious attacks: