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Place Name Sex/Age Time 1 Dan O'Connell M 31 15:43 2 Matthew Tarduno M 13 15:47 3 Grady Melville M 14 15:51 4 Julie Delimon F 25 15:51 5 Elliot Alexander M 15 16:58 6 Dan Iulianello M 12 17:18 7 Ryan Lantzer M 28 17:18 8 Donovan Glavin M 8 17:57 9 Mike Sullivan M 45 18:58 4.4 Mile Place Name Sex/Age Time 1 Mark Andrews M 37 21:35 2 Andy Wigton M 23 22:02 3 Garrett Wagner M 26 22:03 4 Todd Smith M 33 22:31 5 Jay Slowik M 28 22:33 6 Brett Crandell M 17 23:18 7 Marcus Gage M 35 23:33 8 Kristen Coon F 23 23:36 9 Christa Meyer F 26 23:44 10 Jason Urckfitz M 38 23:48 11 Carl Johnston M 42 23:57 12 Nathan Huckle M 32 24:03 13 John Peres M 19 24:04 14 Alan Powers M 31 24:06 15 Dan Courtney M 30 24:13 16 Matt Kellman M 43 24:30 17 Evan Rossi M 17 24:54 18 John Van Kerkhove M 45 24:57 19 Kyle Coulon M 18 25:00 20 Jonathon Piacito M 20 25:03 21 Brian Emelson M 41 25:03 22 Daniel Andrus M 34 25:10 23 Thomas Carr M 41 25:15 24 Mac McMahill M 18 25:15 25 Anthony Pellittieri M 17 25:34 26 Denis Vankerkhove M 48 25:34 27 Dennis Moriarty M 50 25:39 28 Ron Beck M 42 25:41 29 Jeff Coons M 44 25:44 30 Chad Day M 23 25:58 31 David Tannascoli M 25 26:07 32 Christina Keck F 26 26:10 33 Alan Hatch M 32 26:17 34 Brian Charland M 16 26:32 35 Derrick Day M 20 26:42 36 John Nolan M 25 26:43 37 James Rouse M 33 26:43 38 Chris Mauro M 15 26:54 39 Wayne Crandall M 44 26:54 40 Kenny Miller M 16 26:59 41 Michelle Weiler F 40 27:01 42 Peter Doerner M 43 27:06 43 Jonathan Lewis M 24 27:06 44 Allison Snyder F 26 27:07 45 Benjamin Wisniewski M 25 27:08 46 Keith Scott M 45 27:08 47 John Vorrasi M 25 27:09 48 Thomas Lamme M 60 27:10 49 Jennifer Malik F 28 27:11 50 David Soule M 40 27:11 51 Jason Cavall M 37 27:12 52 Kyle Antilla M 25 27:17 53 Michael Coyle M 32 27:19 54 Michael Preisser M 39 27:21 55 Alana VanAllan F 23 27:23 56 Jean-Paul Scott M 38 27:24 57 Brett Crandall M 28 27:28 58 Gregory Nowakowski M 40 27:33 59 Jane Vales F 35 27:33 60 Chris Sardella M 17 27:38 61 Rebecca Duberry F 37 27:39 62 Colby Shores M 32 27:44 63 Matthew Davis M 35 27:45 64 Garrett Traver M 47 27:49 65 Colt McElwaine M 19 27:49 66 Cole DeClerck M 15 27:50 67 Jared Rousell M 14 27:50 68 Jared Kuhl M 20 27:56 69 Ronald Crandall M 39 27:57 70 Brian Lane M 35 27:59 71 Kevin Westrich M 35 28:00 72 Ty Saunders M 17 28:03 73 David Parrish M 28 28:08 74 Frank Quattrone M 52 28:14 75 Jeff Dolan M 20 28:15 76 Joe Pellittieri M 15 28:16 77 Dan Rhonke M 42 28:19 78 Philip Steblen M 17 28:22 79 Dana Woody F 38 28:24 80 Joseph Coons M 15 28:25 81 Kristen Calabrese F 25 28:30 82 Maureen Minavio F 47 28:30 83 Justin Voldman M 27 28:33 84 Meghan Norsen F 28 28:34 85 Anna Fox F 47 28:37 86 Matthew VanHouten M 30 28:42 87 Christina deVries F 27 28:43 88 Christopher Mooney M 36 28:47 89 Katie Schmitt F 26 28:49 90 David Delfavero M 59 28:50 91 Jessica Walden F 21 28:50 92 Katie Courtney F 26 28:59 93 Kyle Reid M 14 29:08 94 Tad Davis M 39 29:09 95 Eric Beiler M 25 29:10 96 Trevor Miller M 19 29:12 97 Seth Malcolm M 30 29:19 98 Michael Dryer M 15 29:21 99 Joanne Bradt F 43 29:22 100 Tyler Ford M 18 29:24 101 Mark Minavio M 47 29:25 102 Peter McCandlish M 43 29:27 103 Ralph VanHouten M 45 29:29 104 Jeanne Whitaker F 25 29:30 105 Nicholas Schey M 25 29:33 106 Jim Owens M 58 29:35 107 Carmen Gumina M 43 29:36 108 Ron Crandall M 46 29:44 109 Chris Plummer M 15 29:46 110 Kristina Martin F 15 29:47 111 Josie Cancilla-Spadafora F 36 29:49 112 Lori Sousa F 39 29:54 113 Tony Wattie M 31 29:56 114 Aaron Knopp M 17 29:56 115 Mike Roman M 13 30:01 116 Wyatt Gouldethorpe M 14 30:02 117 Alex Brett M 16 30:08 118 Jared Streb M 16 30:08 119 Linda Drinkwater F 51 30:16 120 Bill Quinlisk M 56 30:19 121 Tom Legones M 38 30:25 122 Heidi Vorrasi F 26 30:26 123 Whitney Michele F 20 30:27 124 Joby Knapp M 36 30:28 125 Sergey Korjenevski M 45 30:32 126 Alyssa Smith F 16 30:34 127 Stephen Amato M 36 30:35 128 Stephen Hedges M 58 30:35 129 Jim Dolan M 55 30:40 130 Sean Michele M 17 30:45 131 Heather Phelps F 33 30:47 132 Chris Lattanzio M 31 30:47 133 Ward Melville M 48 30:49 134 Jeff Meeker M 25 30:49 135 Chris Lascell M 33 30:56 136 Peter Thomas M 43 30:57 137 H. Robert Bradley M 33 30:58 138 Stephen Dawe M 39 31:16 139 Caleb Page M 16 31:16 140 Matt Landon M 24 31:16 141 Arthur Lilienthal M 24 31:20 142 Tom Mitchell M 56 31:38 143 John McKenna M 41 32:08 More results coming: Due to extreme muddy and flood conditions at the finish the wires got disconnected for the timing, thus no other times are available yet. The race organizers are compiling times from video recording of the finish.
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