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Event Place Name Age Time
2-runner 8k Relay (alternating 400's)
1 Brian Smith M17 22:39.81st Men
Kris Enwright M19
2 Anthony Gallo M21 23:43.2
Jacob Clements M21
3 Tim Faubert M16 23:50.0
Josh Wooten M18
4 Greg Rahmlow M16 24:03.2
Joe Fischetti M16
5 P.Ochrenhirt M17 24:34.1
Timothy Meehan M17
6 Eric Finnemore M26 24:37.6
Ron Herreid M35
7 Tim Reetz M24 25:23.01st Mixed
Beth Deiantis F39
8 Lynn Kubeja F15 26:11.51st Female
Shannon Meehan F15
9 Mike Moore M15 26:30.0
Billy Smith M18
10 Jennie Donofrio F16 28:16.8
Megan Hurley F15
11 Mike DeMay M39 28:47.4
Marie White F41
12 Jessica Arnold F13 30:50.2
Laura Iafrati F14
13 Megan Dudash F17 32:14.1
Ali Morgan F17
14 Emily Schultz F13 34:40.0
Jill Burrows F15
Many names/ages are missing due to a missing roster
from the Southwest Area Neighborhood Team (SWAN)
110m Hurdles
1 Darryl Marshall M17 17.72
2 Clifford Parsons M18 18.36
3 Chris Hart M17 18.46
100m Hurdles
1 Monique Santiago F14 18.22
50m Dash
1 #645 ? 10.77
2 Danny Drummond M5 12.43
Ages 5/under
100m Dash
Heat 1
1 #601 ? 19.41
2 #602 ? 21.73
Heat 2
1 #604 ? 17.33
2 #603 ? 18.46
3 #607 ? 18.58
4 Peyton Ondeck ?7 21.47
Heat 3
1 #606 ? 17.52
2 #611 ? 18.98
3 #605 ? 19.06
4 #608 ? 19.92
5 #609 ? 19.95
6 #643 ? 20.70
7 #644 ? 22.67
Heat 4
1 #615 ? 15.96
2 #613 ? 16.21
3 Amarrae Stevens F9 17.18
4 #616 ? 17.20
5 #618 ? 17.24
6 #610 ? 17.78
7 #614 ? 19.71
Heat 5
1 #622 ? 14.96
2 #619 ? 15.52
3 #623 ? 15.72
4 #625 ? 16.73
5 #624 ? 16.89
6 #626 ? 17.01
7 #621 ? 17.10
8 #620 ? 18.81
Heat 6
1 #690 ? 18.92
2 #640 ? 19.53
3 #645 ? 20.98
4 #647 ? 21.96
5 #697 ? 22.02
Heat 7
1 #653 ? 19.96
2 #649 ? 20.60
3 #652 ? 23.64
Heat 8
1 #659 ? 15.78
2 Joe Drummond M7 16.06
3 ?no #+D124 ? 16.08
4 #662 ? 17.35
5 #657 ? 17.66
6 #655 ? 17.80
7 #656 ? 18.14
Heat 9
1 #663 ? 17.37
2 #664 ? 19.14
3 #658 ? 19.43
4 #698 ? 19.88
5 #661 ? 19.99
6 #654 ? 20.04
Heat 10
1 #668 ? 16.43
2 #670 ? 16.99
3 #671 ? 17.14
4 #648 ? 17.39
5 #666 ? 17.64
6 #673 ? 18.48
7 #650 ? 22.81
8 #667 ? 24.73
Heat 11
1 #675 ? 15.48
2 #676 ? 15.52
3 Conrad Saxby M10 17.54
4 #674 ? 17.66
5 #672 ? 21.35
Heat 12
1 #627 ? 15.39
2 #633 ? 15.76
3 Desirae Stevens F11 16.02
4 #631 ? 16.09
5 Laurie Tezak F11 18.20
Heat 13
1 #634 ? 13.73
2 Lisa Banks F14 13.75
3 Monique Santiago F14 13.98
4 #638 ? 14.99
5 #636 ? 15.28
6 #637 ? 15.81
Heat 14
1 #677 ? 14.17
2 #682 ? 14.89
3 #684 ? 15.48
4 Jarrod Stevens M11 15.82
5 #681 ? 16.39
6 #693 ? 16.44
7 #680 ? 19.68
Heat 15
1 #688 ? 12.65
2 #686 ? 15.21
3 #685 ? 16.48
Heat 16
1 Jackie Gallahan F18 13.80
2 #641 ? 13.82
3 #691 ? 14.09
4 #642 ? 14.11
5 #640 ? 14.65
6 Allison Hill F16 15.07
Heat 17
1 Paul Iatomasi M17 12.28
2 Grant Garbach M16 12.30
3 Michael West M15 12.78
4 Chris Hart M17 13.00
5 Greg Gillette M17 13.04
6 Derek French M15 13.90
Heat 18
1 #695 ? 11.38
2 #694 ? 11.71
3 JJ Schwartz M21 12.29
4 Dan Flechsenhaar M20 12.47
5 Joey Straub M20 12.60
Heat 19
1 Tracy Fox M35 11.60
2 Paul Iatomasi M38 11.85
3 Aston Scott M35 12.05
4 K. Danko-Hanson M33 12.12
5 Steve Marchitell M30 12.62
6 #696 ? 12.93
7 Bill Ferris M35 13.50
8 Andy Smith M42 14.31
400m Dash
Heat 1
1 #612 ? 1:20.02
2 Amarrae Stevens F9 1:20.95
3 #604 ? 1:22.67
4 #616 ? 1:25.83
5 #606 ? 1:27.96
6 Peyton Ondeck ?7 1:52.25
Heat 2
1 #627 ? 1:17.52
2 #619 ? 1:18.30
3 #636 ? 1:22.62
4 #637 ? 1:26.21
5 #620 ? 1:27.46
Heat 3
1 #646 ? 1:46.61
2 #652 ? 1:51.91
3 #653 ? 1:59.76
4 #645 ? 2:00.33
Heat 4
1 #660 ? 1:16.96
2 Joe Drummond M7 1:18.64
3 #663 ? 1:23.98
4 #692 ? 1:25.01
5 #657 ? 1:27.71
6 #664 ? 1:41.52
7 #661 ? 1:44.73
8 #658 ? 1:51.47
Heat 5
1 #676 ? 1:19.30
2 #665 ? 1:24.07
3 #648 ? 1:25.36
4 #671 ? 1:25.42
5 #670 ? 1:43.95
Heat 6
1 #684 ? 1:09.31
2 #682 ? 1:12.39
3 #671 ? 1:12.59
4 #693 ? 1:14.12
5 #685 ? 1:21.42
6 #681 ? 1:28.90
Heat 7
1 Chris Juszkiewicz M16 54.67
2 Jesse Scott M17 1:01.19
3 Elissa Reidy F14 1:07.21
4 Tanya Tersillo F16 1:14.89
Heat 8
1 #694 ? 53.64
2 JJ Schwartz M21 54.77
3 Joey Straub M20 57.70
4 Clifford Parsons M18 59.99
5 Billy Smith M18 1:05.62
Heat 9
1 Tracy Fox M35 51.98
2 Aston Scott M35 54.75
3 Bill Ferris M35 1:01.06
4 Andy Smith M42 1:01.40
5 Bill Pontius M51 1:01.74
6 Don Densmore M46 1:05.73
One Mile Run
1 Brian Smith M17 4:52.48
2 Billy Smith M18 4:57.84
3 Corey Crawford M21 5:06.66
4 William Haskell M14 5:31.14
5 Don Densmore M46 5:31.64
6 Tim Dragone M15 5:31.89
7 Scott McNitt M37 5:37.72
8 Andy Smith M42 5:54.60
9 Ed Saxby M36 6:02.33
10 Adam Doud M22 6:10.02
11 Emily Miller F15 6:18.60
12 Kevin Nelson M36 6:24.93
13 Jenna Kotyk F15 6:25.56
14 Tanya Tersillo F16 6:48.97
15 Conrad Saxby M10 7:25.02
16 Kelly O'Connor F15 7:28.90
17 Gretchen Nace F9 7:53.4mt
4 x 100m Relay
Heat 1
1 Team 622 1:01.13
2 Team 625 1:05.72
3 Team 621 1:07.70
4 Team 630 1:08.22
5 Team 618 1:10.24
6 Team 604 1:15.87
Heat 2
1 Team 642 56.18
2 Team 634 57.01
3 Team A. Stevens F9 1:06.21
Heat 3
1 Team 676 1:02.54
2 Team 665 1:07.80
3 Team 663 1:09.72
4 Team 653 1:17.63
5 Team 634 1:18.56
6 Team 650 1:26.40
Heat 4
1 Team A. Cross M19 52.08
2 Team C. Gettings ?15 52.70
3 Team T. Faubert M16 53.43
4 Team 688 ? 55.39
5 Team J. Kotyk F15 56.96
6 Team C.Juszkiewicz M16 57.20
7 Team 678 ? 1:01.49
8 Team 689 ? 1:04.65
Shot Put Flight 1 4kg
1 Woody Hudson M9 23' 3"
2 Chris Slater M9 19' 5"
3 Anthony Morris M9 17' 7"
4 Amarrae Stevens F9 15' 5"
5 Johnny Twillie M9 14' 6.5"
6 Branden Jones M10 13' 6.5"
7 Jerecq Willis M9 12' 9"
8 Danny Drummond M5 12' 6.5"
Shot Put Flight 2 4kg
1 Tiffany Aaron F13 29' 5.5"
2 Karess Rowe F14 25' 0"
3 Desiree Stevens F11 23' 10"
4 Akeem Solomon M11 22' 4"
5 Stephanie Slater F11 20' 11"
6 Symone Slater F11 19' 0"
7 Toure Johnson M11 18' 8"
Shot Put Flight 3 4kg
1 Tracy Wilkes F24 39' 1"
2 Neva Nichols F26 35' 9.5"
3 Sarah Doud F20 26' 2"
4 Carly LeBlanc F17 25' 6"
5 Monique Santiago F14 19' 6"
Shot Put Flight 4 12#
1 Grant Garbach M16 43' 5"
2 Mike Hall M31 36' 11.5" 16#?
3 Darryl Marshall M17 33' 8"
4 Adam Doud M22 35' " 4kg?
Pole Vault
1 Mike Ksionzyk M18 13' 0"
2 Andy Fetzner M18 13' 0"
3 Dan McBride M49 9' 0"
4Tie Rose Baum F20 9' 0"
4Tie Abby Husk F16 9' 0"
6 Molly McBride F16 9' 0"
7 Amanda Whitbeck F18 7' 0"
8 Leah Ford F14 6' 6"
Long Jump
Flight 1
1 Latoya Solomon F? 11' 5"
2 Woody Hudson M8 11' 3"
3 Monroe Briscoe M8 8' 8.5"
4 Peyton Ondeck ?7 8' 7"
5 Gretchen Nace F9 8' 1"
6 Danny Drummond M5 5' 9"
Flight 2
1 Monique Santiago F14 13' 9.5"
2 Brendan Gillette M13 13' 1"
3 Kevin O'Riley M12 12' 7"
4 Jarrod Stevens M11 10' 9"
5 Montgomery Bryant M13 10' 2"
Flight 3
1 Mike West M15 19' 2.5"
2 Chris Gettings M15 18' 1"
3 Darryl Marshall M17 15' 5.5"
4 Elissa Reidy F14 15' 3.75"
5 Greg Gillette M17 15' 1"
6 Kim Baker F17 14' 3"
Flight 4
1 Annie Barbi F18 15' 6.5"
2 Tasha Usher F27 15' 2"
3 Adam Doud M22 13' 10.5"
4 Sarah Doud F20 13' 3"
Flight 5
1 Karlise Knight F9 10' 7"
2 Eugene Walker M9 9- 9.5"
3 Caroline Smith F9 9' 7"
4 Chris Slater M9 9' 3.5"
5 Brianna Cromartie F10 8' 7"
6 Winson Hudson F7 8' 5"
7 Toni Snead F10 8' 2"
8 Redell Freeman M7 5' 8"
Flight 6
1 Allison Gourdine F15 12' 10"
2 Carlton Smith M11 12' 6"
3 Lashala Wynn F15 12' 3"
4 Devin Merritt M11 12' 1"
5 Devon Brown M11 12' 0.5"
6 Brandon Johnson M11 11' 7"
7 Tenisha Jones F12 10' 9"
8 Akeem Solomon M11 10' 3"
9 Tiara Jackson F13 9' 3"
High Jump
1 Mike Shopes M19 6' 2"
2 Chris Hart M17 6' 0"
3 Dan Flechsenhaar M20 5' 8"
4 Mike West M15 5' 8"
5 Derek Johnson M14 5' 6"
6 Cliff Parsons M18 5' 6"
7 George Mosley M19 5' 4"
8 Anna Barbi F18 5' 4"
9 Allison Hill F16 5' 2"
10 Brendan Gillette M13 4' 2"
11 Kevin Fleming M15 4' 2"
12Tie Carlton Smith M11 4' 0"
12Tie Darryl Marshall M17 4' 0"
14 Lisa Banks F13 4' 0"
15 Monique Santiago F14 4' 0"
16 Leah Ford F14 4' 0"
17 Montgomery Bryant M13 3' 8"
18 Brandon Giles M11 3' 8"
19 Ciara Twillie F11 3' 8"
20 Akeem Solomon M11 3' 6"
21 Laurie Tezak F11 3' 4"
22 Jonathan Jones M11 3' 2"
23 Joe Drummond M7 3' 2"
The Meet Director gratefully thanks the following Officials
who worked the 2001 Summer Track & Field Series:
Starter: Rick Smith
Clerk: Dave Hennessey
Field: Marc Grosso
Field: Jim Glinsky
Field: Dave & Joanne Hillengas
Field: Dave Hovey
Field: Mike Gontarek
Field: Steve Nash
also: Dick O'Riley, Greg Sloane
Special thanks to RIT's Timing Crew of:
Coach Dave Warth
Andy Hartman
Adam Cross
Shane Hunter
also Mark Huether, Jaime Bennett, Brian Andrews
Page design copyright ©2014 Mark Roberts - contents public domain