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Exact timing unavailable due to malfunction in timer-printer. Places are correct and select times are included where available.
Place Name Sex/Age Time
1 Kent Kroemer M 45 18:15
2 Bob Hamilton M 51 19:10
3 Mike Harrison M 59
4 Jeff Chester M 41
5 Joanne Bradt F 42 21:45
6 John Wilcax M 46 21:52
7 Terri Christo F 53 22:04
8 Molly Huff F 45 22:15
9 Audra Knapp F 35 22:16
10 Wilt Alson M 48
11 Jay Capers M 40 23:02
12 Andrew Ciaio M 41 23:06
13 Dan Parson M 32
14 Dennis Smyth M 40
15 Bob Estephan M 41
16 Ken Meehan M 36 23:43
17 Marnie O'Donoghue F 37
18 Bob Owens M 58 23:57
19 Tom Hawkins M 58 24:12
20 Dick Courtright M 59 24:22
21 Marty Roberts F 49 24:27
22 Dave Iadanza M 46
23 Bill Sandow M 47 25:10
24 Jack McDowell M 64
25 Rick Crumb M 49
26 Mary Estephan F 29 25:23
27 Sara Johnson F 29 25:26
28 Mike Fayette M 52 26:33
29 MaryJo Farrell F 43
30 Phil Nelson M 55 29:10
31 Nolan Henrie M 10 29:22
32 Carolyn Privitera F 46
33 Al Smith M 68
34 Juli Nelson F 48 30:10
35 Dick Lewandowski M 62 31:52
36 Sr. Rosemary Sherman F 55 32:30
37 Sandy Toole M 68 35:53
38 Janet Courtright F 58 36:03
39 Bill Murphy M 58
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