Frustrated with your unsatisfactory photographs? Weary from hours of fiddling with Photoshop, trying to obtain that perfect rendition? Tired of having your submissions to online galleries rejected?
Well now you can rest easy because I’ve got the solution to all these problems and possibly more: The PDML Photoshop Tips Mouse Pad! Now you can have a magic bullet for all your image correction woes… right under the tip of your mouse!
OK, here’s the explanation…
Every year I compile an annual list of humorous and/or educational quotations from the PDML (Pentax-Discuss Mail List) and post them on my web page for everyone to enjoy. (Here’s the latest one). This year I held a poll to pick some all-time favorites to get printed on t-shirts, which would be sold for charity. After selecting a few pithy bon mots, I created the appropriate graphic designs, set up a Cafe Press store and set up shop with a few t-shirt designs.
During the course of uploading files and selecting products to sell, I accidentally clicked on the Mouse Pad option. But the resulting mouse pad, with a PDML logo randomly placed, looked OK, so I thought I might as well keep it in the shop. Why the heck not?
Then, of course, an evil light went on in my brain: Why not add something to the the mouse pad design to make it really “useful”? And it occurred to me that most photographers who use computers are likely to be using Photoshop (or some other image editing application). Thus we have a mouse pad festooned with a selection of Photoshop tips guaranteed to make every shot a winner!
If you click on the image of the mouse pad above you’ll be directed right to the on-line store where you buy it and any of the other humorous PDML items. All profits will go to the the National Childhood Cancer Foundation.
ADDENDUM: If you want to customize your PDML/NCCF t-shirt a little, I’ve put up a page of options at