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Sweetheart Smorgasbord 5k

East Bloomfield, NY

13 February, 2000

This event features a staggered start, with runner's starting time's being adjusted to compensate for age.

Total Net
Place  Name                 Sex  Time  Handicap  Time   
    1  Carolyn Smith-Hanna   F   19:12   4:45    14:27
    2  Dan Rohnke            M   15:27   0:45    14:42
    3  Joanne Wightman       F   19:43   4:30    15:13
    4  Jim Bathgate          M   15:50   0:30    15:20
    5  Bob Massey            M   17:38   2:15    15:23
    6  Linda Grossman        F   18:01   2:30    15:31
    7  Rusty Ormsby          M   16:35   0:45    15:50
    8  Tom Gabruk            M   18:24   2:00    16:24
    9  Audra Knapp           F   18:29   2:00    16:29
   10  Gretchen Welch        F   18:14   1:45    16:29
   11  Tony Farraro          M   17:50   1:15    16:35
   12  Mark Harrison         M   18:33   1:45    16:48
   13  Tom Brannon           M   22:22   5:30    16:52
   14  John Robson           M   18:11   1:15    16:56
   15  Sean Storie           M   18:15   1:15    17:00
   16  Matthew Caton         M   18:05   1:00    17:05
   17  Martin DeLong         M   19:21   2:15    17:06
   18  Dick Jarrett          M   21:53   4:45    17:08
   19  Taylor Delhagen       M   18:43   1:30    17:13
   20  Paul Smarsh           M   18:37   1:15    17:22
   21  Helen Addona          F   23:18   5:45    17:33
   23  Michael Lyons         M   18:27   0:45    17:42
   24  Jackie Andolina       F   25:31   7:45    17:46
   25  Kathy Brown           F   23:20   5:30    17:50
   26  Ed Sullivan           M   18:36   0:45    17:51
   27  Dick Courtright       M   20:37   2:45    17:52
   28  Stan Worboys          M   21:10   3:15    17:55
   29  Amy Ayers             F   20:58   3:00    17:58
   30  Elizabeth Pullen      F   21:01   3:00    18:01
   31  John Penamonte        M   20:22   2:15    18:07
   32  Mark Gregory          M   19:08   1:00    18:08
   33  Bill Broomfield       M   21:25   3:15    18:10
   34  David Gregory         M   19:41   1:30    18:11
   35  Jimmy Addona          M   18:12   0:00    18:12
   36  Sean Donnellan        M   19:39   1:15    18:24
   37  Patty Lyons           F   22:55   4:30    18:25
   38  Christina Eldredge    F   20:14   1:45    18:29
   39  Laurie Kinsella       F   22:16   3:45    18:31
   40  Tommy Doehler         M   20:49   2:15    18:34
   41  Paul Elliot           M   19:40   1:00    18:40
   42  Cheryl Gunderman      F   21:57   3:15    18:42
   43  Jim Malley            M   19:47   1:00    18:47
   44  Richard Meehan        M   18:49   0:00    18:49
   45  Marie White           F   21:53   3:00    18:53
   46  Vinny Hogan           M   19:54   1:00    18:54
   47  Robert Gunderman      M   19:41   0:45    18:56
   48  Bill Stanley          M   23:11   4:15    18:56
   49  Terry Fisher          M   19:31   0:30    19:01
   50  Gary Barno            M   20:06   1:00    19:06
   51  Martha Roberts        F   22:40   3:30    19:10
   52  Douglas Ralph         M   21:03   1:45    19:18
   53  Terry Robbins         M   19:36   0:15    19:21
   54  Kris Kozik            F   21:57   2:30    19:27
   55  Rob Dietrick          M   20:04   0:30    19:34
   56  Walter Lyons          M   23:00   3:15    19:45
   57  Don Totten            M   22:07   2:15    19:52
   58  Joe Rheault           M   28:43   8:30    20:13
   59  Tim Matthews          M   22:30   2:15    20:15
   60  Diane Luke            F   23:33   3:15    20:18
   61  Alison Martinez       F   22:18   2:00    20:18
   62  Allan Hall            M   21:51   1:30    20:21
   64  Ester Pullen          F   23:10   2:45    20:25
   66  John Fulkerson        M   21:47   1:15    20:32
   67  Kevin Moyer           M   22:03   1:30    20:33
   68  Maryanne McQueeney    F   24:20   3:45    20:35
   69  Lori Reed             F   23:22   2:45    20:37
   70  David Fedrizzi        M   22:07   1:30    20:37
   71  Robert Volk           M   24:10   3:15    20:55
   72  C.J. Grace            M   22:26   1:30    20:56
   73  Richard Saxby         M   21:44   0:45    20:59
   74  Robert Yurek          M   22:17   1:15    21:02
   75  Ben Atkinson          M   21:52   0:45    21:07
   76  Adam Meys             M   22:53   1:45    21:08
   77  Janet Courtright      F   26:25   5:15    21:10
   78  Rick Kearns           M   23:43   2:30    21:13
   79  Luis Martinez         M   24:03   2:30    21:33
   80  Ed Saxby              M   22:34   0:45    21:49
   81  Eugene Ayers          M   25:11   2:45    22:26
   82  Brad Blain            M   24:18   1:45    22:33
   83  Ed Stabins            M   30:17   7:30    22:47
   84  Paul Grace            M   24:05   1:15    22:50
   85  Ron Tryon             M   24:50   2:00    22:50
   86  Ryan Kaza             M   22:52   0:00    22:52
   87  Tom Rolland           M   25:09   2:15    22:54
   88  Dee Hall              F   25:27   2:30    22:57
   89  Karol Howell          F   28:12   5:00    23:12
   90  Lori Decarlo          F   26:25   3:00    23:25
   91  Paul Campbell         M   26:02   2:30    23:32
   92  Lynn Siverd           F   26:28   2:45    23:43
   94  Michelle Frye         F   26:03   1:45    24:18
   95  Karen Evans           F   29:38   4:45    24:53
   96  Lorraine Jackson      F   28:18   3:00    25:18
   97  Gerald Washington     M   25:53   0:00    25:53
   98  Joseph Familo         M   34:36   8:30    26:06
   99  Robert Titus          M   29:02   2:45    26:17
  100  Gretchen Ferguson     F   30:54   4:15    26:39
  101  Sally Ferguson        F   29:55   3:15    26:40
  102  Kathleen Dejoy        F   31:09   3:30    27:39
  103  Gloria Ralph          F   30:56   3:00    27:56
  104  Allan Hall            M   29:23   0:45    28:38
  105  Catherine Campbell    F   33:37   4:00    29:37
  106  Jim Esper             M   30:55   0:15    30:40
  107  Ric Skinkle           M   33:32   1:15    32:17
  109  Katy Prohira          F   41:01   4:45    36:16
  110  Elizabeth Prohira     F   39:31   3:15    36:16
  111  John Prohira          M   38:06   1:45    36:21

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